Monday, July 21, 2014

My New Blog!


I am so delighted to have a new blog! I had a blog for about 5 years called "Read Write Revamp" and I loved it.  I had made it into a dot com and in the busy-ness of life in the last few months I didn't get it renewed in time and it is simply gone.  I have thought of finding an old backup and getting the site back, but I am also excited about a new start.  Therefore, I'm looking at it as a clean slate, a new beginning full of empty pages where I can write...  That's not such a bad thing at all.

So, if you'll bare with me while I get this new site up and running.  It make take me some time.  You can check out some of my book reviews at my Fresno Books Examiner site in the mean time.  I look forward to writing and chatting more soon.  It may take some time as I have a new schedule all around, but I look forward to making some reading and writing time.  Here we go...

*Under Construction* ;)

Happy reading!